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LUMINEERS are porcelain veneers that offer the painless way to a permanently whiter and perfectly aligned smile. We can apply these contact lens-thin "smile shapers" to teeth without any grinding or shaving, transforming teeth into a naturally beautiful smile that looks perfect for every individual. LUMINEERS can even be placed over existing crown or bridgework without having to replace them.

LUMINEERS are contact lens-thin and are placed over existing teeth without having to remove painful tooth structure (unlike traditional veneers.) LUMINEERS is the painless, permanent cosmetic solution for stained, chipped, discolored or misaligned teeth. In just 2-3 visits to your LUMINEERS dentist, you can have a custom-made smile that is clinically proven to last over the last 20 years - and it is completely reversible since your natural tooth structure is still intact! Get your perfect smile today!
2 Union Square Suite # 230,Union City, CA 94587, Phone: 510-489-5000, Fax : 510-489-5002
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